Plan of Work
Each year, the Sanford BPW creates a plan of work to outline the club’s upcoming year. This outline highlights our goals in key areas:
Mission for the year: Help members grow professionally, personally, and politically.
Membership and Retention Goals:
Continue gaining ground this year and maintain a membership of at least 50.
- Host 2 or 3 small events besides monthly meetings:
- Set a baseline for future retention goals. Measure retention in January and June.
- Send handwritten notes to all new members and guests.
- Send an exit survey for non-returning members.
Marketing Goals:
Keep BPW’s name in people’s mind. Use events, meetings and media to the fullest to help this happen.
- Continue to use social media to reach out to existing and potential members. Using Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Gain 800 likes on Facebook.
- Advertise in the Herald calendar, in club news and via press releases.
- Be more creative in monthly meeting agendas. (Pop up/Location Meetings, ice breakers to create more engagement in meetings.
- Digitize the club’s history.
Outreach Goals:
Pursue outreach efforts that support BPW’s mission while avoiding cross over with what other local clubs are already doing. Ideas:
- Continue to work with CCCC on BPW scholarship and ensure BPW is involved in the process. Make regular contributions to the scholarship fund. Get list of previous scholarship winners and create an “alumni” list.
- Touch base with past scholarship recipients and find out how they are doing. Invite them to events.
- Re-launch the BPW student memberships and aim to get one CCCC student.
- Develop strategy to develop Junior BPW Club/Junior BPW members.
- Conduct collections for local non-profits at four meetings each year, based on membership feedback.
Education/Program Goals:
- Present programs that help members and guests grow professionally, personally and politically. Identify competent and lively speakers to present to our membership.
- Host “The Women’s Exchange” in October 2019. Taking 2018 off to revamp agenda.
- Partner with community to offer “The Reality Store” Program.
Club Operations Goals:
- Continue to improve club policies and operations.
- Add job descriptions to Google Drive
- Conduct monthly reporting via meeting minutes that go out to the membership instead of being an agenda item at meetings. Each board position will provide a report to the President on the Monday before the monthly meeting which will be reviewed and sent to Secretary to record in minutes. Reporting will include:
- VP of Programming: Status on upcoming programs including speakers/venues.
- VP of Membership: Members and guests contacted, new members, departing members, upcoming renewals.
- Social Media Chair: Current stats (likes, comments, etc.)
- Treasurer: Incoming revenue, outgoing payables, current balance.
- Secretary: Meeting Minutes comments, media contacts, press releases, email updates.
- Each board position will create SOPs for their positions and post to Google Drive.